This is the current version of Paw'D, a Flash game I have been working on. It is work-in-progress, so let me know what you like, what you don't, and what you would change.
Note that by now we have our own website, with forums and everything - so if you'd like to play Paw'D, you're welcome to check it out!
Quick Start
To start the game, pick any username and click 'Login'. If no one else took that name yet, it's yours, and the game will protect it with whatever password you chose.
You can play with your keyboard or your mouse, but I'd prefer if you tested out the new keyboard controls and let me know how they work for you: Use your arrow or WASD keys to move around. 'E' selects a nearby enemy (press it multiple times to cycle between them), 'R' picks up nearby items, and your number keys are your abilities on your hotkey bar.
The full preliminary user manual is available online. ^^
Points of Interest
This will likely be one of the last play tests before release. Most features should be working and are included in this test.
There are three major quest chains to complete that will easily get you to level 10, the level cap of this test.
Deep in the forest, slightly off the main path, you'll find a dungeon to fight your way through, with very decent spoils that cannot be found anywhere else. It can be completed alone, though I'd really love to see two players group up and turn that dungeon upside down. Take a screenshot if you do it!
You can find a number of armor and other equipment that you can wear. All of it, save for pouches, shows up on your character and provides a boost to your abilities.
"Spirit Bottles" now drop from various monsters. They are used to enchant your armor, and give you unique effects that are related to the monster they are from.
Various items can be combined and crafted into new items. For example, claws can be attached to gloves, to increase the damage they do. This also changes their visual appearance.
A number of quests award tokens when you complete them. Territ exchanges these for special items and armor near the village.
Choco, near the village, needs your help to retrieve a treasure. Anyone can join in when the quest in progress and receive rewards. There are different rewards, depending on how well you do, and you can attempt it repeatedly. Try getting the best rewards!
There is a new ability, 'Auto-Attack' which is in your hotkey bar for your convenience. With it, simply pressing '1' attacks your currently selected target. If you have no target, it auto-selects the nearest enemy.
None of the maps are instanced (save for the dungeon). Don't make me regret that. ;P
Existing Testers
All your accounts are still there, and you can use the same name and password you picked before.
Existing characters have been given the option to change their name. So, if you tested the old version and want to use the same name for your new character, you can rename the old one if you wish.
How can one comment on a game?! Really, there are lots of ways - the entire game is made of pictures, drawings and much more - and not only that: was the game too easy? Too hard? Unfair? What parts did you like? Are there any quests you particularly enjoyed, any places, or characters that were particularly well drawn? Or maybe you have some really cool ideas you'd put into the game - those are all things you can comment on, and more. So, if you have comments or thoughts, I'd love to hear them. ;P
Also, Im in the United states, and i know id get a better connection in the TX server, Is there any way You can switch my profile over to the TX server?