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deviantArt Avatar
  • Comments: 21
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deviantArt Avatar
(by Tobias, Jun 8, 2004)
Nothing much, actually .. just my ickle deviantArt and AIM avatar in its full glory ^.^
I didn't put too much detail on it and tried making the lines thicker, since I had to size it down to 50x50 anyway, to make it work on deviantArt and AIM ^^;
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deviantArt Avatar - Comments
Jun 8, 2004 
Too cute ^_^
Jun 8, 2004 
n.n yay!
Jun 9, 2004 
You basically know my thoughts on this already, but yeah XD It's adorable! The colors look nice..and the motion lines are easier to see, in this version :>
Jun 9, 2004 
Yup, in the smaller version, he could as well just balance a watermelon, or a blowfish *rubs nose* X3
Jun 13, 2004 
Hopefully a watermelon, rather P:
Jun 13, 2004 
meep .. but if I dropped the watermelon, that would be no good ;)
eeh, at least we would have something to eat X3
Jun 13, 2004 
Yep, hehe X>
Jun 13, 2004 
you do like watermelons, right?
Jun 15, 2004 
Yep...the funny thing is I hated them when I was little, now I love em XD
Jun 9, 2004 
Sweet..although..you still haven't come across my drawing of Toby I did on DA....at least...you haven't commented on it, anyways. <=] I hope you didn't not like it. n_n* Sweet avatar! Lickle Tobias is so cute doing what seals are masters of. Well, that and catching fishies. X3
Jun 9, 2004 
eeek .. nope, I didn't come across your drawing yet, that must have gotten burried in the messages then, so I didn't get to look at it ^^; and school pretty much does the rest, to keep me missing stuff X.x I'll look at it in a moment (saving the best thing for last), it's shower time right now n.n`
Glad you liked the avatar, in any case, and sorry again - I didn't mean to delay it for so long ^^;
Jun 9, 2004 
No, its no problem...its stupid of me to get worried over such a trivial thing, I get way too paranoid. *sniffle* n__n* Eh, I realise you are uber busy too...you don't need to see it, iss no worry really. n_n
Eee, yeah, your avatar is so cute! n_n I think I gave up on my AIM avatar...or....its most probably an old Kai one...XD...Oh yeah! It is a Kai one! I erm, think. X3 I haven't been on AIM in years...n_n*
Jun 10, 2004 
no, don't worry, it was nice of you to remind me, I already was way too late .. errm .. I hope you aren't mad at me now, are you? ^^;

I didn't have an AIM avatar for a long time, but at some point I was the only one not having one, and that's what I came up with ^^;
Jun 10, 2004 
Nu nu nu! I'm not mad at all. n_n I'm glad you just didn't think 'Oh no, shes bugging me to look at one of her pictures...-_-*'

I can never understand AIM. Its so just...not like MSN. XD I can never tell whether I have an avatar up or not...its annoying. n_n*
Jun 10, 2004 
naw, don't worry, I didn't think that .. but I'm glad you're not mad at me ^^; actually seeing how long ago you posted your drawing, I must say you've been *really* patient anyway, plus you did an awesome job on it as well (like you did on the other drawings too) n.n

I know .. but usually the people you chat with tell you when you have a new icon .. so I kind of knew it worked ;)

Jun 16, 2004 
Lol, from the avatar of it I thought it was supposed to be a globe since it had the basic colors and all, but this looks just as nice. At least I thought right about what those lines were, ah well. Splendid change, kind of looks like a statue of your character to me.
Jun 16, 2004 
eeh, yup, a lot of details were actually lost when I made the picture 50x50 pixels .. but then again, it wasn't really detailed at the beginning.

eh, it could very well be a globe, being blue and green - why not? ;)
Aug 27, 2006 
Ah, the full size version! :D Aww, Toby looks so adorable and happy there. ^___^ Spinning the ball must be so fun. Too bad I can't do it with my fingers. :(

(This looks...slightly different from the avatar on DA. It looks more pixelated, and this more smooth.)
Aug 31, 2006 
Aww, but it's all easy, all you need to do it putting the ball on your nose and spin it .. like that, see? *spins it*

(Yup, it does ^-^ I sized it down, and then redrew the outline pixel by pixel, so I could make it a transparent GIF ;3 Well noticed, in any case ^^)
Sep 1, 2006 
*tries, but it falls* D: Bummer. I need practice! Luckily for you, seals somehow can easily do it. X3

(How long would that take? I mean, do you just copy the color and slowly replace several pixels with the color? And for the outline, you would just place black pixels on the edges?)
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