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Random Cabbit
  • Comments: 15
  • Views: 8249
Random Cabbit
(by Tobias, Jun 1, 2004)
eh, I guess that's what comes out if you're waiting for replies on AIM and have a pencil and a paper next to you ^.^

kind of reminds me of ryo-ohki, dunno, must be the ears (well, the hair around their ears would be a bit bigger).. if that's the case, you better beware .. according to some brown dog she's supposed to have rabies ^^;
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Random Cabbit - Comments
Jun 3, 2004 
Awwww! It's so CUTE(pardon the word. I know that comes up too often in comments)! Hehe, I remember where that topic came up. XD Anyways, I love how you did the background...is that film? It's really creative, and looks cute with the cabbit almost popping out of it. The pose, and how you did the eyes, really makes it looks innocent...almost hard to believe it may viciously attack at any moment... >3
Jun 3, 2004 
eh - never trust innocent looking cabbits .. one moment they look at you all friendly and cute, the next moment you're at the Vet telling you that it bit you because it has rabies X3
Dunno where the background came from - but yup, it should remind one of film =3 and don't worry about saying 'cute' as a word, I just don't really appreciate it too much if it's the only word the comment consists of ^^;
Jun 3, 2004 
Yep, that's all part of their eeevil plan to give everyone rabies. >3
Hehe, I know. Just couldn't help tossing it in, and it's such a good word...of course, it's only useful with other words around it as well. =P
Jun 3, 2004 
yess, I know - they plotted that for a long long time already X3 .. but we know better, do we? .. heyy, wait - you're one of them .. just looking at your username at devArt >.O` .. admit it! (and don't bite me ^.^ )
Jun 4, 2004 
Hehe, nah, I'm just an innocent little zombie pup ;3
Jun 4, 2004 
which means, if you bite me, I get a zombie too? O.o
Jun 5, 2004 
Nope, nothing would happen aside from a typical bite...but I wouldn't bite you anyways. X3
Jun 4, 2004 
*giggles at it* She looks adorable, big eyes and ears and she has a sweet expression on her Nice job :3
Jun 4, 2004 
*prods* thanks =3
Jun 4, 2004 
Aww, sweet..its coming out of the photo strip! ARGH! *runs around and around* XD I really hope it doesn't have rabies...although...it looks as if it would rip your face of as soon as lookit ya. XDD So cute...*pets the cabbit wearing standard battle armour; you know, collander on her head, holding a sieve to her face...prodding it with a wooden spoon* =3
You have AIM? Why was I not informed? *pouts* OH! Yeah...because I'm stalky. My bad. n___n* *manically takes a shoe and starts...*

AHAHA! OMG! *dies* You'll never guess what I've just seen (sorry to detract from the comment, but I have to tell you) I was just about to take a sip of drink, when a little orange spot hanging from a chair next to me caught the corner of my eye. I thought 'bah, stoopid spiders...they're all over this house nowadays...(seriously, I must've come across about five in the last week. One dropped into my bath as I was running it yesterday and didn't half put me off baths altogether...n_n*) But anyways, I was just sipping my drink when I realised this tiny spider was...well...moving sideways. XD I thought 'My god, can spiders do that hanging from a thread? O_o*' But apon closer inspection, it seems to have made a gigantic (and I mean, gigantic) web from the chair, to the floor, to a bag...eeeeeeee....! Funny thing is, my dad only sat in that chair yesterday, so that little guy must've been making a web all night long! n__n* Awww....hes a speedy little guy...keeps racing from one corner to the other, heh heh...and...oh! Hes making more of his web! I gotta watch this...sorry for detracting from your picture, but watching spiders make webs is fascinating stuff. n_n *scurries away*

Lovely picture...=]
Jun 4, 2004 
he, I'm sure any cabbit would love to be petted like that .. be honest, is there anything more soothening? I mean, who would possibly want to be hugged all softly in someone's cuddly arms, if they can have Koshi petting them in full armour, with metal gloves and visor?

a gigantic web? so big that little fellow could have cought our ickle Josie in it? :giggle: meh, we have quite a few spiders in our home too, but they're not really distracting .. as long as they don't make webs on places I often sit in .. at least they catch flies and mosquitos (even thought they could be a bit better at it, in my opinion .. maybe our spiders are just a bit lazy?) ^^;

have fun watching .. and thanks for the comment n.n
Jun 5, 2004 
Lol! Well...George has become accustomed to it...for quite some time now...n_n*
George: Stop PRODDING ME!! O_.
But you have to admit, it would look pretty funny. <=]

Ahaha....well, not quite that big...semi-big, I guess...from the chair bottom to the floor, is pretty far for a spider as big as half a piece of rice. n__n* Oo, yes, twas very fascinating indeed...I've found that we have suddenly gotten lots of spiders in our house too. Must be the hot weather...but, it can't be that bad...they say that its good luck to have spiders, as it signifies your house is warm and dry. n_n Although, I saw another one last night...one of those ones, you know, that are really REALLY speedy, and all crouched low to the floor...it was waiting on my skylight sill, and last night was absoloutely boiling, so I wanted to open the window...but I was quite worried it would fall into my pint glass of orange squash I had so seemingly trudged downstairs to get...and...I really couldn't be bothered to go get another one if I distubed it...I had to make do with staying up half the night because I was so hot. n__n* All because of a spider! I mean, really...it could've at least, moved or something. XD But when I woke up, he was gone, so I guess he got pretty hot too. <=D
Lazy spiders? Hehe...is it hot there? Maybe they don't feel like working when its hot. n_n I know I don't like working when its sunny...=]

Eek...when I went to post this, I was greeted with a big 'Comments & Critiques' header...maybe I should stop rambling on and wasting precious comment space? Yeah. Thats a good idea. n_n* Sorry 'bout that...and you are welcome for the comment. Although, I'm not sure wether it would qualify as a decent comment....n___n*
Oop, rambling again. Sorry. <=D Its a curse, I swear...
Jun 6, 2004 
*chuckles* hehe, the way I imagined you doing that at least, was very funny ^.^ I mean, just picture big bad Koshi with her armour prodding some innocent looking creature with a wooden spoon - that's got to look cute =3

eh, of course, I can imagine they wouldn't enjoy working either, when it's too hot .. but he wanted to eat too, right? so he's got to make a net, to catch him a fly or such. actually it's also quite interesting to see how these spiders bite the flies and spin their web around them after catching them X3 spiders in a house signifies good luck? wow .. I never heard of that, but in that case, we sure have plenty of luck hanging around around in the various webs here and there .. even though my sister is pretty afraid of spiders X.x
hehe, you could have covered the glass? I usually put a book ontop of it, so flies, spiders and other creatures wouldn't fall into it n.n

he, the "Comments & Critiques" was the best thing I could think of .. what would you put there? On the guestbook it says "Guestbook Entry" instead .. but that was the best I could think of ^^; actually I thought of this falling into the comment part, not being a critique .. but I'm all open to suggestions, you know .. my vocabulary still needs a lot of improvement =3
Oct 19, 2004 
it's cute!!
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