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Winter Time
  • Comments: 9
  • Views: 9648
Winter Time
(by Tobias, Dec 16, 2004)
Almost christmas - and they said it's going to snow too, on friday ^-^ Yaay!

The drawing's not perfect, I know - but rest assured I did put a lot of effort in it - which is what counts after all, right?
Winter Time - Comments
Nov 29, 2004 
Yay, this is beautiful...Nishi covered a lot, so there isn't much *original* things for me to say ^^; I like how you made the sky all peach-colored, since in real winter it's usually grey, but that would make the picture look less happy, so the color you used is a great idea. My favorite part is preobably the flower, it looks pretty and very interesting that it could still live despite the cold weather conditions..but not for long, once it gets colder eh? X_x *digs up the flower, takes it inside and plants it in a pot* There we go =3
Dec 16, 2004 
whhhhe! I've always wondered when it would be finished! Anyways, you did an awsome job here, and I've ntoiced how the daylight would turn into a starry night in the background. Awsome detail. ;P eep! Lenorey doesn't have any shoes on, wouldn't her poor little paws get frozen? ;P I adore the little carrot, and the little details you put into this. The ripples on lenores jacket looks very realistic and believable. The shiny icicles add a nice touch to it as well. ^-^ If I was you, I would make lenores nose a little bigger. It looks way to small, and doesnt align with her mouth very well. Top add another nice detail, you could draw a small fog coming from her mouth, and the little rabbit too. Her eyes look a bit ood to me )dont know why_ but ah well. You did a nice job on this toby, keep up the great work! <3
Dec 16, 2004 
Heh, what should I say? You're right on this all, and believe it or not, the nose not being aligned I noticed as well and wanted to fix it, but I forgot about it over fixing quite a couple of other things ^^; I don't know whether how much bigger I should make it, but Lenore usually says I draw them too small too, so I'll just try my best ^^ With the fog - yup, that'd be a thoughtful detail - hopefully it wouldn't make the picture to busy, but it's very well worth a try ^^

Thanks for all your suggestions, they help a lot and are much appreciated <3 (and yay, you noticed the sky changing to a starry night ^-^ I did the full background first, so it was kind of a picture on its own ^^)
Dec 17, 2004 
Hehe, I do that too sometimes. I want to change something, but then I noticed an even bigger flaw and THEN I forget the other one. ;P Silly silly! I wouldn't think the fog would make it busy, but I'm not sure. =)

Your VERY welcome! *huggle* You definatly deserve the best out of the best of critiques and suggestions, and I hope I'm giving a decent amount out. ^^ I didn't ntoice it much for a while, until I noticed the icicles in the background, and I decided to look at all details, that would fasinate me. And certainly, the lovely sky did the trick. Niely done I must say! <3<3
Dec 18, 2004 
Congratulations on getting snow if you did get any, definitely seems like a hiptastic addition to the winter. ^^ Anyways, I see you added shines for the sun location! Looking way cool, and you got the area down perfectly too. And it does look like you made the toes and tail a bit lighter, or my eyes are deceiving me, but it doesn't seem to take away anything from the picture. The sun already gives it something to focus on, and if that bit subtraction of color did happen, then it still seems to have enough for our eyes to feed on. :3
Ooh, and it looks like you added a bit more to that flower area as well! I'm going to guess (Oh boy, watch out) that the flower is part or a plant that's extended through the snow? Since there are other greenish-greyish areas surrounding it that I couldn't quiote put my finger on, that's why I'd have to go with that... unless it's just on a grass hill. But anyways, I still think it looks jammin', and with the fixes it looks a bit more so than it did before. ^^ Superb work Mister Toby. =)
Feb 8, 2006 
The drawing IS perfect. It's so perfectly adorable. I like the smootheness of the colours and textures especially that of the purple blanket on the sled. I agree with Lenore and the sunrise(well, its lighter than what a sunset would look like) appeals to the artwork. Ok, I shall go through the other artworks now... @->--
Feb 9, 2006 
Meep, thank you for your nice words ^-^ You seem to be quite a bit into art too, do you have your own gallery to look through, so I can return the favour? ^^
Mar 1, 2007 
That is very good and so beautiful! I like !!!!!!!!!!!!
Apr 11, 2007 
I've always admired this drawing because there are just so many beautiful elements that I can notice here and there. ^^ Snow scenes- you sure have mastered them! X3 The snow you make always manages to look so realistic. Like the thin, transparent layers of ice on the wooden wall. That adds a nice meltish effect considering that the sun is rising along the horizon. ^-^

The sky, by the way, looks...wow, how else can I describe it? I can definitely tell you put a lot of effort into it. The nice variety of colors there really makes for a peaceful setting. In this case, I can just picture her enjoying the nice quiet atmosphere. The small clouds in the distance, the small stars in the corner: bravo, I say!

She herself looks nice and smooth as always. Your shading and small strokes of fur give her a nice definite shape that makes her look more appealing! Same goes for the other stuff like the bunny and even the detailed purple blanket. X3

Keep up the wonderful work! You never fail to impress. ^^ (Better go to sleep now...just past midnight. <.< )
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